How does your school work?
At Aubrey Academy, we offer a Ministry of Education inspected online high school experience designed for flexibility and personalized learning. Students can enroll in courses at any time, working at their own pace throughout the semester (4 months). This means students have the flexibility to complete their studies in as little as 2 weeks or extend their learning over the full year, accommodating individual schedules and learning styles.
Throughout the courses, students engage with various assessments labeled as Assessment of Learning (AOL), Assessment for Learning (AFL), or Assessment as Learning (AAL), as outlined by the Ontario Ministry of Education's guidelines. Assignments and quizzes are submitted online via our user-friendly submission box, which simplifies the process for students.
Upon completing a course, Aubrey Academy issues official embossed copies of the final report card to the student's home address and their home school. These achievements are added to the Ontario Student Transcript (OST), ensuring each student's academic progress is documented accurately. Schools maintaining the Ontario Student Record (OSR) update transcripts accordingly, providing a seamless integration of online learning achievements.
Can I take a course at Aubrey Academy?
Yes! Whether you're currently enrolled in university or college, attending another public, private, or Catholic high school, or residing in another country or province, you are eligible to enroll in courses at Aubrey Academy. You do not require permission from your current school to take courses with Aubrey Academy, though it's advisable to ensure there are no scheduling conflicts.
Once you complete a course at Aubrey Academy, we will inform your current school after the credit is earned. Upon finishing the course, Aubrey Academy will send a final report card to your home school. This course completion will be documented on your ongoing Ontario Student Transcript (OST) within your Ontario Student Record (OSR) by your school.
How long does a course take?
Students can proceed through their courses as quickly or as slowly as they desire within the semesterd timeframe we allot per registration (4 months). There are no module schedules or due dates to follow – students decide when to hand in their assignments and when to take their tests to meet any personal deadlines they might have. However Aubrey Academy recommends that student’s login to the learning platform 2-3 times a week to check for updates or to continue with their course progress (please see school course calendar for more information) — failure to do so will result in an absence for every week no log in’s are present.
If a student finds themselves needing to go over the semestered timeline they have the option to pay for course extensions (see below for more details). The course outline indicates that the course will take 110 hours and highlights the breakdown of each unit. Please keep in mind that the 110 hours reflects the number of hours a student may spend on the lessons and does not include additional time students may take to complete assignments or prepare for tests or examinations.
At Aubrey Academy we recognize that students learn at different paces and therefore, the rate of progress through the course is based on the students’ completion of the lessons and assessments, which equate to the 110 hours, not the amount of time they spend online.
What are the tuition fees?
Our tuition fees listed include all costs associated with the course – there are no textbooks and when required we provide an e-copy (unless otherwise stated).
Canadian student fee: $650.00 CDN per course for Grade 9 through 12
If you have a Canadian citizenship and/or
If you are a Permanent Resident
2. International student: $750 CDN per course for Grade 9 through 12
If you are not a Canadian citizen, and/or
If you are not a Permanent Resident
What are your additional costs?
Additional fees may apply in the following circumstances:
Course Transfers: A student has the option to transfer from one course to another at any time within the 4-month completion deadline. If a student requests a transfer, an administrative fee will be required as the administrative work will have to be repeated by our staff. This fee is $200.00. It is important to note that if a student transfers into a new course, the 4 month deadline will not refresh (and a course extension may need to be purchased). The student will be required to complete the new course within the original deadline, based upon the enrollment date of the original course. The decision of the Principal is final in all cases involving refund requests and course transfers.
OSSLT: Should a student wish to take the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test through Aubrey Academy at our office a fee of $250 fee will apply.
Fast Track: Students use our fast-track service in the courses they enrol with us to updating their marks, meet university or college admission requirements, retake failed courses, or just to have their work returned on a schedule that works for them. This priority grading service allows for students to get their work summative work graded in 1-2 business days rather than the usual 3-5 business days alongside 24 hour response time from teachers. Get the credit you need when you need it! Please email for any questions and to sign up.
Course Extensions: Students will have the opportunity to extend a course if they are unable to complete the course within the semester. The extension options are listed below.
1 additional month – $100
3 additional months – $200
6 additional months – $300
The maximum length of extension allowed for any course is twelve months total. Students must pay for the extension on or before the date of expiration. Fees apply to the number of months being purchased at the time of transaction, and are not calculated in combination with any extensions previously purchased by the student. For example, if a student purchases three months for $200 and requires an additional one month extension, the same fee ($100) will apply with no fee reductions. Students will be removed from their courses on the next business day following the expiration date. Once removed, the course cannot be reactivated.
What courses are available?
Please see a list of course available here. If you would like to take a credit course that is not offered, please let us know and we can may be able add it to our courses offered asap.
Will Aubrey Academy communicate with my home school?
Yes! Aubrey Academy will notify the student's home school upon course registration, at the midpoint, and upon course completion. Both a midterm and final report card will be forwarded to the home school. The OSSD credit obtained through Aubrey Academy will be recorded on the student's list of credits managed by the home school on the Ontario Student Transcript (OST). For further information, please contact your home school guidance office.
How will I be supported by taking a course at Aubrey Academy?
At Aubrey Academy, students will be assigned an Ontario Certified Teacher (OCT) the same as they would in a public school. Students will have the same teacher throughout the entire course* and will be able to communicate with the teacher through email. Your teacher is there to answer questions, provide feedback, and grade assessments. Your course teacher should be the first person you contact with any questions or concerns about your course or course content. However, if you require additional support please let us know.
How long does it take for assessments to be graded?
The majority of departments at Aubrey Academy follow a standard of providing feedback and grading within 5 days. We also offer a Fast Track option - please contact us for more info.
How do tests and exams work?
All unit tests and final exams at Aubrey Academy are closed-book and completed online under the supervision of an appropriate Proctor. Proctoring can be organized through one of the following two options:
Option 1: In-Person Proctoring (Arranged by the student)
The student may arrange their own proctor to meet with them in person for the purpose of invigilating the test or exam. This is written at a time, place and location that is most comfortable and safe for the student.
The student must apply to write the test or final exam a minimum of 48-72 hours prior to the proposed date by having the proctor complete the Aubrey Academy Proctor Form which is available in your course.
In order to be approved, any in-person exam proctor must meet all of the following criteria:
Must not be related to the student in any way
Must not be a student at any level
Must not be a tutor
Must have a university degree or college designation
Who can this be? Some examples include:
A high school teacher, librarian or guidance counsellor (or anyone else at the school)
A neighbour, co-worker or manager at work
A professor, counsellor, social worker or colleague
Anyone who meets the requirements above
If the proctor is approved, the proctor will be provided with detailed test or exam instructions via email. The approved proctor and student may then proceed with the test or final exam as scheduled. Once the test or final exam has been written, the proctor must send the test or exam back to the teacher as a scanned, clearly legible document. This document must be returned to the course instructor promptly following the exam. A student’s final grade is not released until this document has been submitted.
If a student chooses a proctor who charges a fee for their services, the student is responsible for those or any other expenses.
Option 2: Online Proctoring (Arranged by Aubrey Academy)
Students may use the Aubrey Academy online proctoring service with an Ontario Certified Teacher (OCT). This service is particularly helpful for students who are unable to find an in-person proctor or require last-minute test or exam arrangements. Aubrey Academy strongly recommends scheduling the test or exam at least two business days in advance to allow for proper teacher communication and preparation.
To schedule a proctor for a test or exam, students must do the following:
Email with your test or exam date and course.
Pay the necessary fee
Complete the Assessment Information Form (will be made available after payment is complete)
For this proctoring option, students must have the following (all are mandatory):
A webcam
A microphone
A laptop or desktop computer
Printer (present at the time of the assessment)
Scanner or Scanner app
Government-issued photo ID
Upon completion of the test or exam, the student’s exam video will be reviewed to verify that all procedures were properly followed. The student will then scan the test or exam with the proctor live and email it directly to the proctor’s email address.
Will universities and colleges in Ontario accept your credits?
As a Ministry of Education inspected private high school (October 2024), all universities and colleges in Ontario will accept the credits you earn through our school. If you have questions about how the grade will be viewed by a specific university or college, we suggest you speak with them and/or the department you intend on applying too
What if I have an IEP?
We can support you during your course if you have an IEP. Please email us at during enrollment and we will ensure to provide your with the necessary accommodations. These may include, but are not limited to use of assistive technology, extra time (no longer than double time), scribe, reading of the questions, breaks during the exam. Each student will be provided support on an individual basis so accommodations may vary based on previous IEP information and proper documentation.
How do I register?
To complete your registration with Aubrey Academy we require one of the following government issued identification:
Drivers License
Health Card
Plus one of the following documents that will serve as proof of the prerequisite (as applicable) and your Ontario Education Number (OEN):
Ontario Student Transcript (OST)
Credit Counselling Summary
Report Card
Please scan or take a clear picture with your smartphone and send the documents to once you have completed your registration form after course purchase. (Registration form will be sent by email)
If you do not have any of these documents and previously attended a high school in Ontario please contact the district school board office in which your high school was in for a copy of your documents.
If you do not have any of these documents and are registering with an academic history outside of Ontario please email to and we will guide you with next steps.
We look forward to your enrollment!
Can I fast track a course?
Students use our fast-track service in the courses they enrol with us to updating their marks, meet university or college admission requirements, retake failed courses, or just to have their work returned on a schedule that works for them. This priority grading service allows for students to get their work summative work graded in 1-2 business days rather than the usual 3-5 business days alongside 24 hour response time from teachers. Get the credit you need when you need it! Please email for any questions.
Refund Policy
Refund Policy Course Withdrawal within 7 calendar days of enrollment. A student may withdraw from a course in which he or she is enrolled within 7 calendar days of his or her start date, and receive a monetary refund less a $200.00 admission application processing fee per course. There will be no refund of any fees after 7 calendar days. Students who fail to enroll and start a course within 30 calendar days of tuition payment are not eligible for a refund of any fees paid.
Dismissal from course or program due to violation of School Policies: Any student who does not adhere to the Aubrey Academy Student Code of Conduct or School Policies, as outlined in the Aubrey Academy Course Calendar, may be dismissed from his or her course, or the Aubrey Academy school program at any time. No tuition refunds or credits shall be issued. *The Refund Policies at Aubrey Academy may be updated or changed at any time as deemed necessary by the school. Personal information is collected under the authority of the Education Act and will be used for the establishment and maintenance of the Ontario Student Record in accordance with the (OSR) Guideline 2000. Access to OSR Records may be obtained by contacting the principal.